I must start by letting you know that I did not watch the SOTU address. I am sure that President Biden said some things that resonated with both sides of the aisle. Perhaps he didn't. That is a matter of public opinion that is extremely relative. Many professional writers--most, who have previously written speeches for past Presidents-- grade each SOTU on an A-F scale similar to academic grading. However, even this is relative and divisive. While this is not the nail I wish to hammer it is important as a Christian to note Paul's words in 1 Tim. 2:1-4 when he instructs us to offer entreaties, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority. Yes even the President you may not agree with or like. I will be the first to say I need to repent of this and pray instead of criticize. You too! Again, this is not the point of this short diatribe. First, I think it safe to say that no one has to be a rocket scientist or multi-talented super genius to understand the state of the union. With inflation at 6.5% it is difficult for most to afford basic needs. Additionally, we have normalized mental and emotionally devastating child mutilation (trans-gender surgery), very explicit and provocative "family friendly" drag queen performances, clothing and apparel companies using extremely suggestive themes in their advertisements that (intentionally or unintentionally) exploit children, and if you thought it couldn't get worse; the Grammy's came to town and said, "hold my drink." I do not perceive to know what goes through each individual's mind when they choose to act in a certain fashion; but, it is safe to assume that the heart is indeed wicked and desperately sick (Jer. 17:9) when a once popular television awards show that celebrates music opens with a satanic ritualistic performance. I will not link to the video because I would not willingly want anyone subjected to it. I strongly advise caution if you so choose to watch it. Additionally, I would not label it R, rather X-Rated. I do not know Sam Smith nor Kim Petras (a man identifying as a woman), in fact I only just heard about both when reading articles about their "performance" at the Grammy's. Here is what I do know. They performed a set with pyrotechnics, stage performers, backup dancers and caged humans. Both were dressed in blood red outfits and Sam Smith's top hat had horns popping off the top. Kim was dancing provocatively in a cage with fire all around. Various dancers and stage performers were seen bowing down to Sam Smith and worshipping him (bear in mind he was representing Satan). If their "show" was not enough to feed the flesh, their song, titled unholy, was peppered with lyrics about "daddy committing blatant adultery on the side while mommy was unaware." While the song lacked "curse" words it was littered with vulgar language about adulterous acts. But even this is not the shock factor. Why? Because there is nothing new under the sun (Eccl. 1:9). The shock factor is not the debauchery and wickedness of the entire performance. The shock factor is not even that it was streamed across the world and seen as "musical performance." The shock factor sets in when you come to realize that these are the people influencing your children through music, entertainment, books, cartoons, and in many schools around the nation. What adds a bit of bite to that sting is that the majority of Christians don't do anything about it. Why? We have bought into the double standard lie that has been shoved down our throats by the anti-Christ crew over the last few decades. We are told to keep Jesus to ourselves, to keep our religion private, to worship in our homes, churches, and cars but do not dare bring that true unashamed, bold, exclusive Biblical Christianity with its "intolerant" Jesus to bear on the public sector. Yet in their double speak they willingly perpetrate vulgarity in the most depraved way knowing its evil and encourage others to do the same (Rom. 1:32). It is piped through the sewer line directly into your living room, pocket, your kids phone, and their school in the name of "tolerance." Jesus was very clear, "he who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters," (Mt. 12:30). There is no such thing as tolerant neutrality. If you are for Jesus dear Christian, you cannot be for anything that goes against Him. We have seen increasingly over the years that America is moving further and further away from any discernible notion of being "with Christ" and is rapidly moving toward being against Him. This is not entertainment, this is not art, and it is not tolerance in any way. It is a blatant prideful, arrogant, and intolerant spitting upon the name of Christ. It is a hatred for the things of God because that is what Satan does, he hates God and anything that represents Him. Bake the cake or be shut down. Support the LGBTQ+ agenda or be shutdown. Worship at the altar of Satan or be shutdown. Is this not why Satan fell. He wanted to be worshipped and take the place of God. If you want to know the state of the union, look around at what is celebrated, accepted, and praised. Newsflash, it is not Godliness. It is sin! The state of the union is Satanic worship, idolatry, wickedness, and depraved. Move off the fence dear Christian and insert yourself into the battle. Ephesians 6:10-1210 Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by his vast strength. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens. Author - pastor josh
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February 2023